5 Causes of Car Accidents

5 Top Causes of Car Accidents

If you’ve been injured in a car accident, it’s important that you take the steps necessary to hold someone accountable for your damages. Typically, one of the factors required to show liability is causation, meaning you have to prove the other party’s negligence caused the accident and your subsequent harm.

While everyone’s circumstances are different, there’s a common thread that runs through many car accident cases. Often, someone either wasn’t paying attention or was acting recklessly enough that a crash was the result. Here are the top five causes of car accidents and what you can do to hold someone accountable after an accident occurs.

  1. Distracted Driving

Doing anything other than paying attention to the road while driving can spell disaster. It’s a myth that humans can be effective at multitasking, particularly while operating heavy machinery that can take the life of someone else in an instant.

Driving requires your full and undivided attention. Taking your eyes away from the road for even two seconds is a serious safety concern. According to the American Automobile Association (AAA), as much as 50% of all motor vehicle crashes are directly related to distracted driving.

The main culprit for distracted driving accidents is smartphones and texting. One study revealed that simply driving and talking on the phone can increase the risk of a crash by up to four times. And hands-free phones aren’t much better because they still take the driver’s attention away from the task at hand. Aside from phones, other common distractions for drivers include:

  • Using the stereo
  • Eating or drinking
  • Applying makeup
  • Passenger interference
  • Pets in the vehicle
  • Getting lost or rubbernecking

Bottom line: if a distracted driver caused an accident, they should be held accountable for their actions.

  1. Driving While Intoxicated

According to the NHTSA, more than a quarter (25%) of all traffic-related deaths are directly attributable to alcohol impairment. And the CDC reports that one person dies every 50 minutes in the U.S. in a car crash with an alcohol-impaired driver.

Driving while intoxicated is not only illegal but the driver can also be held accountable for their actions through a personal injury claim. A safe driver needs the ability to react quickly, concentrate, and make sound judgments. None of these things are possible while under the influence of alcohol or drugs.

While some drivers may not believe they are intoxicated or even show signs of intoxication, that doesn’t mean they can drive safely. Even a small amount of alcohol in a driver’s system can impact their ability to react and make sound judgments.

If you’ve been involved in an accident with a drunk or impaired driver, you have the right to pursue full and fair compensation for your damages.

  1. Speeding

Excessive speed is the cause of approximately 26% of all traffic fatalities in this country. When a driver is operating their vehicle over the speed limit or too fast for current conditions, this increases the chance that they will lose control and cause an accident. Speed endangers the lives of the driver, others on the road, as well as pedestrians and bicyclists in the area.

Speeding isn’t just illegal; it’s an activity that can have lasting and severe consequences. People speed for any number of reasons, such as being frustrated by traffic, running late, and a disregard for the law or others. If you’ve been in an accident caused by a speeding driver, you may be able to file a claim for compensation.

  1. Aggressive Driving

While speed is a form of aggressive driving, there are many other ways that drivers can endanger the safety of others on the road. The Rules of the Road are in place for a reason. When a driver decides that they don’t need to stop fully at an intersection, fails to yield the right of way, or weaves in and out of traffic, they are a danger to themselves and others.

The NHTSA defines aggressive driving as something that occurs when a person “commits a combination of moving traffic offenses to endanger other persons or property.” Just one of these behaviors can cause a crash. But a combination can be downright deadly.

The best way to deal with an aggressive driver is to get out of their way. It isn’t about you, and your priority should be to remain safe and avoid an accident. But, if one of these drivers causes a crash, they should be held accountable.

  1. Poor Conditions

Driving in poor conditions is also a common cause of car accidents. This can include bad weather or poor road conditions. When conditions are less than optimal, it’s important to use extra caution on the road.

It might seem like no one else can be held responsible when one of these accidents happens. But that may not always be the case. If another party, such as a local government, didn’t maintain a road properly and a hazard caused your crash, you may have a case.

The Importance of Working with a Mississippi Car Accident Attorney

The cause of your car accident may or may not have made this list. What matters is that someone else’s negligence or carelessness caused you harm. If you’ve suffered injuries, we can help you exercise your rights and move forward with legal action to pursue full and fair compensation.

At Mississippi Car Accident Attorney, we specialize in pursuing justice on behalf of our clients. We’ll help you understand how the process works and pursue a claim on your behalf. Contact our office today to schedule a free consultation.

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