Driving This Summer: Keep an Eye Out for Big Rigs—Truck Accident Safety

Driving This Summer: Keep an Eye Out for Big Rigs—Truck Accident Safety

Regardless of where you live in Mississippi, there is likely a major thoroughfare near you. Roads like I-20, I-22, I-55, I-59, and I-69 are just a few of the roads that truck drivers use when transporting goods and products across and through the Magnolia State. During the summertime, when more people are taking road trips and heading to favorite vacation spots, the amount of traffic on the road increases the risk of being involved in an accident. As you drive this summer, keep an eye out for big rigs; being involved in a truck accident can be devastating. Here are a few tips for staying safe on the road and avoiding a collision with a commercial vehicle.

Avoid Blind Spots

For drivers of passenger cars, one of the most critical safety tips when driving around big rigs is to always stay out of a truck’s blind spots. The blind spots are the areas around the truck that offer low amounts of visibility—if a passenger car is within a blind spot, the driver of a large truck may not be able to see them. According to the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA), blind spots for a large truck include the following areas:

  • 20 feet directly in front of the truck
  • 30 feet directly behind the truck
  • Two lanes to the right of the truck
  • One lane to the left of the truck

This means that when you’re driving around a large truck, you should never hang out directly in front of, behind, or to the side of a truck. If you need to pass, do so quickly and to the left of the truck. If you are changing lanes, make sure you provide plenty of room between your vehicle and the truck. Never tailgate or cut off a large truck.

Be Ready for Wide Turns

Large trucks require much more space to safely make a turn than do passenger vehicles. In fact, the turning radius of the average big rig is about 55 feet. Keeping this in mind and anticipating wide turns are important safety considerations. Drivers of smaller vehicles should never:

  • Attempt to pass a truck on the right, especially near an intersection. A truck may move to the left (giving the impression that it’s not turning) before turning right to allow for extra space to safely make the turn. As the truck begins its right-hand turn, any motor vehicle that’s between the truck and the curb could get caught in what’s known as a squeeze-play accident.
  • Stop in front of the line of an intersection or “block the box.” Blocking the box refers to entering an intersection without the ability to travel all of the way through it, thereby preventing cross-traffic movement. If you’re in front of a line or blocking the box, you may be directly in the way of a commercial vehicle attempting to turn.

Provide Extra Space

Providing extra space to drivers of large vehicles is important for a couple of reasons, the first of which was already discussed—large trucks have large blind spots, and driving too close can therefore be dangerous. The other reason to give trucks plenty of room is that big rigs take more time to stop than smaller cars. While the average passenger vehicle traveling at 65 miles per hour takes about 316 feet to come to a complete stop from the moment the brakes are applied, a big rig—which weights up to 20 times more than a passenger car—will take 525 feet to stop under the same conditions. If you cut too close in front of a large truck, or if you’re following a large truck too closely, you’re putting yourself at risk of an accident.

Be Patient

Driving around large trucks can be frustrating. Sometimes, trucks are traveling slower than traffic, or are blocking opportunities for passing, or take more time to accelerate than smaller vehicles. Being patient and considerate on the road is key for preventing accidents. Honking, swerving, or otherwise displaying signs of aggressive driving is dangerous and contributes to the risk of an accident. Remember, the most important thing is safely arriving at your destination.

Get Help if You’ve Been in a Truck Accident

Even the safest drivers are sometimes involved in serious accidents. If you’ve been involved in a truck accident and are facing severe injuries, property damage losses, medical bills, lost wages, and other damages, an experienced truck accident attorney can help. A lawyer can assist you by investigating your claim, building your case, and fighting for your right to a fair settlement. To learn more about Mississippi Car Accident Attorney and the resources available to you after a crash, please send us a message directly.

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