Side-Impact Collisions: Are They the Most Dangerous?

Side-Impact Collisions: Are They the Most Dangerous?

All types of car accidents have the potential to be dangerous. The severity of a crash is determined by factors such as the speed that the vehicles are traveling and the angle of the crash, as well as things such as the safety ratings of the vehicles involved and whether or not vehicle occupants are wearing seatbelts at the time of collision. With this in mind, some types of crashes are statistically more dangerous than others. Side-impact collisions, for example, have the potential to result in long-term or even fatal injuries for occupants, especially when they occur at high speeds. If you’ve been in a side-impact crash, contact Mississippi Car Accident Attorney directly to learn more about your legal rights and options.

What Is a Side-Impact Collision?

A side-impact collision refers to any type of accident in which the side of at least one vehicle involved in the crash is impacted. There are two subtypes of accidents that fall into this category:

  • T-bone crashes. A T-bone crash is one of the deadliest accident types. This type of accident occurs when the front-end of one vehicle collides with the side of another, resulting in the vehicles forming a “T”-like shape.
  • Side-swipe crashes. A side-swipe crash can be deadly, too, but often doesn’t result in as serious of injuries as a T-bone crash. A side-swipe vehicle occurs when the side of one vehicle “swipes” into the side of another. As such, for both vehicles involved in the crash, the impact to vehicles is on the vehicles’ sides, rather than the front or back ends. 

How Does a Side-Impact Crash Happen?

A T-bone crash usually occurs at an intersection, and is often the result of one driver’s failure to yield to another; a side-swipe collision can happen on any roadway where drivers are traveling side-by-side, and occurs when one or both drivers fail to see the other. Side-impact crashes are almost always the result of negligence. Driver behaviors that increase the risk of a side-impact crash include:

  • Driving aggressively
  • Driving while distracted
  • Driving while impaired/intoxicated
  • Speeding
  • Performing illegal maneuvers
  • Using a cellphone while driving

Side-impact crashes are almost always preventable. If you’ve been involved in a side-impact crash caused by the negligence of another driver, you have legal rights. Call Mississippi Car Accident Attorney to learn more. 

Injuries and Damages from a Side-Impact Accident

The types and severity of damages and injuries can range based on factors such as speed and angle of impact. With that in mind, types of injuries that are common in side-impact crashes include facial injuries from airbag deployment, traumatic brain injuries, internal injuries, spinal cord injuries, neck and back injuries, bone fracture injuries, and soft tissue injuries. These injuries can lead to high medical bills, disabilities that prevent the injured party from being able to return to work, lost wages, and pain, suffering, and emotional distress. When a person’s injuries and damages are the result of another’s negligence, they maintain the right to bring forth a claim for damages against the at-fault party, and to seek compensation for the full value of their economic and noneconomic losses. 

Are Side-Impact Crashes the Most Dangerous?

There is no doubt that side-impact collisions can be extremely dangerous, and that sometimes, these accidents are even fatal. Statistically, rollover crashes and head-on collisions are the most deadly; however, what’s statistically true may not be true for you. If you or a loved one has been severely harmed in a side-impact crash, that’s what’s most relevant. Our team at Mississippi Car Accident Attorney can help you to understand what comes next. 

Your Rights if You’ve Been in a Side-Impact Crash

When a party’s negligence leads to the harm of another, the injured party maintains the right to pursue compensation. Usually, this means filing a claim against the at-fault party’s liability insurance provider and negotiating with the insurance adjuster to reach a fair settlement. If a fair settlement cannot be reached, the injured party can file a lawsuit for damages directly against the at-fault party. In a lawsuit, the injured party must be able to prove that their injuries and damages would not have occurred but for the negligence of the at-fault party; they must also file their lawsuit within Mississippi’s statute of limitations, which is three years in our state. 

Contact Mississippi Car Accident Attorney Today

A side-impact collision may change your life. If you or a family member has been severely harmed, don’t hesitate to hire a car accident lawyer who can help you to recover the settlement that you deserve. While you may be experiencing feelings of grief and hopelessness after the crash, hiring an attorney and bringing forth a claim can be the first steps towards a brighter future. At Mississippi Car Accident Attorney, we are here to help. Reach us online to learn more today.

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