Driving This Summer Watch Out for Motorcycles!

Driving This Summer—Watch Out for Motorcycles!

One of the great things about summer is the ability to travel around the state and to different parts of the country. Especially with the number of COVID-19 cases declining, more Mississippians are hitting the road to head to the beach, the mountains, or somewhere in between. Whether you’re planning a road trip or are just commuting to work as part of your daily routine, exercising safe driving habits is important for everyone’s wellbeing. And with the warm weather and more people out, be sure to watch out for motorcyclists while driving this summer! Here’s an overview of what you should know about Mississippi motorcycle crash statistics, tips for driving around motorcyclists, and what to do if you’re involved in a crash.

Mississippi Motorcycle Crash Statistics

While Mississippi may be a beautiful place to ride a motorcycle, it’s certainly not the safest. In fact, Mississippi is one of the most dangerous places to ride a motorcycle. According to data published by the Governors Highway Safety Association (GHSA), over a two-year period in our state, there was an average of more than 43.5 motorcyclist deaths per year. And in 2019, an article published by WLOX News named Mississippi as the “most dangerous state for motorcycle riders,” citing data from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) showing that the rate of motorcyclist death per 100,000 registered motorcycles is 14.57 in our state—the state with the next-highest number was South Carolina, with 11.93.

Tips for Driving Around Motorcycles

When a motorcyclist is struck by a car, they are almost certain to suffer severe injuries. Motorcycles are small and provide very few protections for their riders, unlike passenger cars and trucks that are complete with a vehicle frame, seatbelts, airbags, etc. If a motorcyclist is involved in a crash, their life will likely be changed long-term.

For both drivers and motorcyclists, the safe operation of vehicles is critical. For drivers on Mississippi roads, here are some tips for safe driving around motorcyclists:

  • Watch your blind spots. Especially if you have a larger vehicle, spotting a motorcyclist that’s directly behind you or to the side of your vehicle can be tricky. Motorcycles are small, and hard to see when they’re in a driver’s blind spot. Before you change lanes or perform any other maneuver, double-check your blind spots! It’s also important to signal your intentions well in advance to give a motorcyclist time to move if they need to.
  • Slow down. When you’re eager to get to your destination, speeding can be tempting. But the faster you’re traveling, the greater the risk of losing control of your vehicle. What’s more, the faster that you’re going at the time of a collision, the more force that’s involved in the crash. If you hit a motorcyclist, it will be that motorcyclist’s body that absorbs the force of a crash; higher-speed collisions are more deadly.
  • Be courteous and patient. For drivers, watching a motorcyclist lane-split, speed, or perform other unsafe maneuvers can be extremely frustrating. While you may be tempted to drive aggressively or react to the motorcyclist, the most important thing you can do is to remain calm and under control. Being courteous and patient—even when the actions of others on the road are not courteous—is one of the best things that you can do for your safety (and your sanity!).

In addition to the above, remember to always exercise other safe driving behaviors, including driving while sober, putting away distractions, following traffic safety laws, and always buckling up. 

What to Do if You’re a Motorcyclist Involved in a Crash

If you’re a driver involved in a motorcyclist collision, you need to stop your vehicle, immediately assess for injuries, and call 9-1-1 to get medical help and report the accident. If you’re a motorcyclist who’s involved in a crash, it’s important that you report the accident, get medical care immediately, gather evidence at the scene of the crash (if your injuries do not preclude you from doing so), and talk to an attorney. As a motorcyclist who’s injured due to the actions of another driver, you have legal rights, including the right to file a claim for damages, or a lawsuit for damages. A skilled Mississippi car accident attorney can help. 

How Mississippi Car Accident Attorney Can Help

At Mississippi Car Accident Attorney, we can review your case and connect you with a highly qualified and experienced Mississippi car accident attorney. An attorney can represent you during the claims process, gather evidence on your behalf, calculate your damages, and negotiate your settlement. To learn more about your legal rights after a crash, contact Mississippi Car Accident Attorney by sending us a message online through our contact form.

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