Bicycle Accident Attorneys in Mississippi

Car vs. Bicycle – As the Weather Gets Cooler, Be on the Lookout for Bicyclists

The summer months can be brutally hot in Mississippi, making outdoor activities unpleasant at best. It won’t be too long before there’s a slight chill in the air and pumpkins on every doorstep, also opening up more opportunities for activities like walking, running, and cycling.

But as you adjust to seasonal changes, it’s also important to understand the dangers involved. If you’re a driver, there may be more people enjoying the outdoors while riding their bikes. And, if you’re a bicyclist, you run the risk of being involved in a serious accident with a car or truck.

Bicycle Crashes Happen With Alarming Frequency

According to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA), hundreds of bicyclists die annually in traffic-related crashes. The agency reports that 71% of bicycling fatalities happen in urban areas. And more than half (58%) of bike crashes take place outside of intersections. Only 4% of bike accidents happen inside bicycle lanes.

When bicycle accidents do happen, they’re generally serious. A vehicle weighs roughly two tons versus a bike weighing about 20 pounds. In a collision between a car or truck and a bike, the cyclist never wins. This is why children and older adults are some of the most vulnerable cyclists.

Common Causes of Bicycle Crashes

Both vehicle operators and bicyclists have responsibilities. When either party fails to use the proper degree of caution, the results can be disastrous. Some of the common causes of bicycle crashes include:

  • Speeding. A speeding car or truck puts everyone on the road at risk. This risk can be compounded by traffic conditions, weather, and road hazards in the area.
  • Distracted driving. Both drivers and cyclists have an obligation to avoid distractions like using a phone, eating, or talking while in motion.
  • Dooring. Dooring accidents occur when a driver opens their door into the path of a moving cyclist. It is unlawful in Mississippi for a driver to open their door if it will interfere with traffic.
  • Riding too close to a lane. When vehicles and bicycles are too close, it is tough to avoid a crash. Under Mississippi law, drivers are required to give cyclists at least three feet of space on the road when passing.

How Drivers Should Be on the Lookout for Bicyclists

While bicyclists can certainly play a role in reducing car vs. bicycle crashes, drivers are overwhelmingly responsible for these tragedies. If you are driving on Mississippi roads, here are some of the ways you can be on the lookout for cyclists and reduce the likelihood of a crash.

  1. Understand Bicyclists’ Rights

Drivers sometimes don’t understand what traffic laws apply to bicyclists. Many just wish they’d all use the sidewalks instead of the street. In fact, bicycles are considered vehicles and are subject to many of the same traffic rules as cars and trucks. As a driver, you are encouraged to look carefully for bicyclists before merging, turning left or right, or opening your vehicle door.

  1. Take Extra Caution With Turns

Bicycles have less visibility than cars and trucks, so it’s easy for a driver to miss them when turning. But a bike can easily get up to 20 mph speeds, and a collision can be catastrophic for the cyclist. When making a right turn, make sure you signal your intentions and look for any cyclists in the vicinity. Likewise, make sure there are no incoming cyclists with the right-of-way when you are turning left.

  1. Pack Your Patience

Drivers can get impatient with bicyclists, especially when they have someplace they need to be. But the law says you need to treat them as equals, and it’s important to remember that there’s a human being on that bike. The person you see on a bicycle might be trying to get to work or improve their health. And one of the benefits of encountering cyclists is that there will be one less car on the road to contribute to traffic jams and congestion.

The Importance of Working with a Mississippi Car Accident Attorney

If you’ve been involved in a bicycle accident in Mississippi that was caused by another party’s negligence, you have the right to recover damages. An insurance company might offer you a settlement, but it likely isn’t a fair one.

At Mississippi Car Accident Attorney, our mission is to protect the rights of people throughout the state who have been involved in serious accidents. We will fiercely safeguard your interests and provide access to valuable resources that will give you peace of mind. Contact us today to schedule a free consultation.

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