Motorcycle Safety - 5 Tips for Staying Safe on Your Motorcycle

Motorcycle Safety – 5 Tips for Staying Safe on Your Motorcycle

There’s nothing quite like the sense of exhilaration and freedom you get from hitting the open road on a motorcycle. While an enjoyable experience, driving a motorcycle doesn’t come without some risk. In fact, it can be pretty dangerous when you consider that you’re sharing the road with other vehicles. 

While fast, efficient, and compact, motorcycles don’t provide the protection for the driver and passenger that a car or truck does. In fact, motorcyclists are 28 times more likely to die in a vehicle accident compared to someone in a car. 

Vehicle drivers, motorcyclists, and pedestrians alike must work together to minimize the risks of all types of accidents. If you own a motorcycle, you have some responsibility to keep yourself and others on the road free from harm. 

5 Safety Tips for Staying Safe on Your Motorcycle

Here are five safety tips to give yourself the best chance of a safe, happy, and successful ride:

1. Take a Motorcycle Safety Course

Riding a motorcycle is much different than driving a car. Even if you’ve ridden before or have a license, it’s still a good idea to take a motorcycle safety course. It can even get you a discount on your insurance premiums. 

A safety course can teach you valuable skills like riding in groups and the basics of safe riding habits. You can find courses in your area through the Motorcycle Safety Foundation (MSF)

2. Wear the Right Motorcycle Gear

Riding your motorcycle can be a thrilling experience. But it also exposes you to some hazards that can increase the risk of serious injury and even death in an accident. Wearing the proper motorcycle gear can help. 

Many states, including Mississippi, require riders to wear helmets that meet federal standards. Eye protection is another vital piece of equipment that can protect against flying debris. 

You may notice that a lot of motorcyclists wear boots and leather clothing. Sure, it looks cool, but it also has a safety function. If you are involved in a crash, this durable outerwear can protect you from serious injury and painful road rash. 

3. Obey the Traffic Rules

Because motorcyclists have additional exposure and are less visible, it’s important that they pay particular attention to traffic rules. There are even some rules that apply specifically to motorcycle riders. 

First, you must get a Mississippi motorcycle endorsement if you live in this state. Next, you must follow the rules of the road. For example, you must observe posted speed limits and come to a full stop at stop signs and red lights. 

It’s never safe for motorcycles to tailgate the vehicle in front of them, which can lead to rear-end collisions. Lane-splitting, which is the practice of traveling between two lanes of traffic, is not strictly legal or illegal in Mississippi. But, if a rider is operating recklessly, they could cause an accident and/or be cited by law enforcement. 

4. Stay Visible and Observant

One of the major causes of motorcycle crashes is that drivers of cars or trucks fail to see these smaller vehicles on the road. It might seem unfair, but motorcyclists must take extra precautions to make sure they are as visible as possible. This includes making sure your brake lights and headlights work, and there is enough reflective material on the vehicle. 

Defensive operation is also essential. Riders should constantly scan their surroundings and assume that other vehicles might not see them. Operating at controllable speeds and safe braking distances is vital. 

5. Never Drink and Ride

Just like driving a car in Mississippi, it’s illegal to operate a motorcycle while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. Drinking and drug use can impair your judgment and senses, making it difficult to react to traffic and road conditions. 

Being under the influence can also make it more challenging to control your motorcycle, which can lead to a serious or deadly crash. If you plan to drink, don’t take your motorcycle or find another way home. 

Working with an Experienced Mississippi Auto Accident Attorney

Even if you do everything right, motorcycle accidents can still happen. If you’ve been injured in a crash, the right car accident lawyer will advocate for your interests and ensure you receive maximum compensation when the time is right. 

At Mississippi Car Accident Attorney, we are committed to delivering the information vehicle accident victims need so that they can make the most informed decisions about their future. If you’d like to learn more about how a motorcycle accident lawyer can help, send us a message with more information about your case. 

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