Mistakes You Can Make in Your Auto Accident Injury Claim

Mistakes You Can Make in Your Auto Accident Injury Claim

When you’ve been injured in an auto accident, how you handle the situation can impact whether you receive fair compensation for your damages. Understandably, you are suffering physically, emotionally, and even financially following a crash that wasn’t your fault. But accident victims can make mistakes that prevent them from getting the justice they deserve. 

Even if you have a rough idea of what steps to take after a car crash, what about the things you shouldn’t do? Here is a list of ten mistakes you can make in your auto accident injury claim that could significantly impact your outcome.

1. Not Calling the Police

Never let the other driver convince you not to call 911. If they are at fault, they might want to keep things between just the two parties. Even if they seem remorseful at the moment, things can change quickly, including stories about what happened.

You need a police report to pursue an insurance claim. When you call 911, you have an official record of the accident. The police might also issue a citation or even arrest the other driver, which could help your case. 

2. Failing to Gather Evidence

Anytime you are able, you should gather as much evidence as possible to strengthen your case. If you are too injured, ask someone else to do it for you. Some of the items you will want to collect at the accident scene include photos, the other driver’s name, contact info, insurance company, witness information, and any notes about road or weather conditions. 

3. Admitting Fault

You’ll probably be shaken up after an accident and will talk to a lot of people. Some you need to talk to, like the police and medical providers. Make sure you avoid taking any of the blame for the accident. 

Why? Mississippi uses a “pure comparative negligence” rule, meaning your damages award will be reduced by your percentage of fault. This gives the insurance company an incentive to try to shift as much fault as possible into your corner. 

4. Skipping the Doctor

Even if you feel fine after the accident, it’s essential that you see a doctor. Some injuries are apparent for hours or days after a crash. Your auto accident claim can’t be verified if you haven’t sought medical attention to document your injuries. And this is the right thing to do for your well-being. 

5. Not Following Medical Advice

If the doctor tells you that you need therapy or tests, or that you need to see a specialist, it’s important to follow those instructions. If the insurance company can prove that you were non-compliant with medical treatment, it could negatively impact your case. 

6. Trusting the Insurance Company

Insurance adjusters can seem friendly and compassionate on the surface. But they aren’t on your side. These are representatives of a company that wants to save money by minimizing payouts. 

It would be a mistake to trust an adjuster. Don’t agree to a recorded statement or sign a medical release form. Avoid discussing things like fault or your medical history. You might say something that would put your claim into question. 

7. Posting on Social Media

It can be tempting to jump on social media with your car accident story and updates about your case. It can also be a huge mistake. Any information you share can be used by insurance companies as evidence against you. In fact, it’s a good idea to stay off of social media completely until your case is resolved. 

8. Waiting too Long to File a Claim

Every injury case has a statute of limitations, meaning you will be barred from collecting compensation if you file after the clock runs out. In Mississippi, you have three years from the date of the accident to file a lawsuit. But evidence can disappear quickly, so you should file your insurance claim immediately. 

9. Settling Too Quickly

Some fast money in your pocket might sound like a bonus. But it’s a terrible idea after a car accident. If you are seriously hurt, an insurance company will likely offer you a settlement that is much too low and incredibly unfair. Fast settlements are full settlements. It’s best to wait until you are medically stabilized and settle for a figure that fairly represents your medical expenses, lost wages, lost earning capacity, and pain and suffering. 

10. Not Hiring a Lawyer

While nothing says you have to hire a car accident lawyer, failing to hire one can negatively impact your case outcome. Lawyers are familiar with insurance company tactics, and studies show that people represented by attorneys get up to 5x more money than those who aren’t. 

The Importance of Working with a Mississippi Car Accident Attorney

As you can see, it’s easy to make mistakes with an auto accident claim. And those missteps can be costly. Insurance adjusters and plaintiff’s attorneys will use your physical and emotional pain to their advantage and try to minimize their liability. 

To even the playing field and help you build the strongest case possible, you need an experienced Mississippi car accident attorney on your side. A car accident lawyer won’t ask for any fees upfront and will fight for the maximum compensation you deserve. To learn more about working with a skilled car accident attorney in Mississippi, send us a message with more information about your case. 

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