Deadly car crashes in Mississippi - Avoiding a fatal car crash

Deadly Car Crashes in Mississippi—Avoiding a Fatal Car Crash

Being in a car accident may be more than just an inconvenience that ruins one’s day–it’s could result in serious or even deadly injuries in some cases. For drivers in Mississippi–one of the most dangerous places to drive in the nation–understanding how to avoid a crash, especially a fatal crash, is essential. Considering the following information about car accident statistics in Mississippi, advice for avoiding a fatal crash, and what to do if you or a loved one is involved in a fatal or very serious crash.

Car Accident Statistics in Mississippi

Nationally, motor vehicle crashes are a leading cause of injury and death--they are a top 10 cause of death for people of all ages, and the number one killer of children, teens, and young adults. In Mississippi, the trend is, unfortunately, no different–car accidents take far too many lives in our state each year.

The Insurance Institute for Highway Safety (IIHS) reports that in 2019, there were 581 fatal car crashes in Mississippi that resulted in 643 deaths. The death rate per 100,000 population in Mississippi is 21.6–one of the highest death rates in the nation.

So why is driving in Mississippi so deadly? Data shows that between 1999 and 2016, the average fatality rate in Mississippi was 20 times higher than the next deadliest state (Wyoming).

An article in Mississippi Today addresses this exact question. According to the article, the reason lies in a number of factors, including the fact that Mississippians are more likely to take risks when driving–including engaging in behaviors like driving while impaired and texting while driving–than drivers in almost every other state, and that Mississippi is a rural state, which means that it has more rural roads. Rural roads are four times deadlier, on average, than urban ones, in large part due to higher speed limits and hospitals that are placed farther distances from crash sites. Finally, police officers in rural parts of the state often don’t have the personnel to effectively police the roads.

Advice for Avoiding a Fatal Car Crash

While you can’t control the actions of other drivers on the road, you can control how you operate your own vehicle, which may be enough to avoid a serious crash. 

  • Put distractions away. The first thing that you do when you get behind the wheel of a car is to put your cellphone in a location where you cannot see or use it–this goes for all handheld devices. Avoid other distractions, too, such as eating or drinking, self-grooming, attending to pets or child passengers, etc. while driving.
  • Follow the speed limit and adjust speed for conditions. It’s important to go the speed limit, as these limits exist specifically for the purpose of reducing the number of accidents. What’s more, be aware of the need to reduce your speed when conditions demand it, such as high levels of traffic or poor weather/visibility.
  • Never drive while impaired or fatigued. Driving while under the influence of alcohol or drugs, including prescription drugs, greatly increases your risk of being involved in a collision. Always drive sober. Driving while fatigued can also be very dangerous, and should also be avoided.
  • Follow all other traffic rules. In addition to driving while in a sound state of mind, avoiding distractions, and following posted speed limits, be sure to adhere to all other traffic rules. Don’t tailgate or follow too closely; don’t swerve or change lanes erratically; don’t coast through stop signs without coming to a complete stop.
  • Drive defensively. Finally, remember that it’s not just about what you do, but about how you respond to other drivers on the road who may be operating their vehicles in a way that’s dangerous. If you notice that another driver is being aggressive or unsafe, keep your distance. If appropriate, pull over to a safe location and call the police to report the driver.

What to Do if You’re Involved in a Fatal Crash

Being involved in a fatal crash or losing a loved one in a fatal crash is a devastating experience, and one that is life-changing. As your world crashes down around you and you go through the grieving process, note that Mississippi Car Accident Attorney may be able to help you recover a settlement that offers compensation for the value of your economic and noneconomic losses, including things like medical expenses, funeral and burial expenses, lost wages, property damage expenses, and pain and suffering. Following a fatal crash, calling an experienced attorney as soon as possible is one of the best ways to protect your right to recover compensation. While nothing can undo what has happened or give you back your loved one’s life, filing a claim can provide you with the monetary compensation that you need to support yourself moving into the future.

To learn more send us a message telling us more about your case. We will help you find an attorney that represents those who have been impacted by both fatal and non-fatal accident claims.

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