School bus safety in Mississippi

Safety at the Bus Stop – Watch Out for Kids Heading Back to School

As children begin heading back to school, parents are understandably concerned about their wellbeing and safety. Many children get to and from school on a big yellow school bus, which comes with its own set of hazards.

While the National Safety Council insists that relying on a school bus is a safe choice, there’s still the potential for something to go wrong. The ride to and from school aside, there’s a significant risk for accidents that can occur right at the bus stop. Whether you’re a parent or the driver of a car or truck, here’s what you need to know about school bus stop safety.

The Dangers of the School Bus Stop

Roughly 25 million students nationwide use school buses each day. These massive vehicles are designed for safety with bright yellow colors, flashing lights, and giant mirrors. In fact, the NHTSA says that school buses are a safer mode of transportation than walking, bicycling, or even a parent’s vehicle.

But, school bus and bus stop accidents still happen. And a majority of them don’t take place while the bus is driving down the road. Instead, they happen while a child is at the bus stop or in the process of getting on or off the school bus.

What is the School Bus Stop “Danger Zone”?

The School Bus “Danger Zone” is a 10-foot wide area that extends on all sides of the school bus. This is the area where children are in the most danger of being struck by a passing vehicle. Everyone needs to know about the danger zone – children, bus drivers, and motorists.

Drivers are prohibited from passing a school bus on the side that children disembark or board. They also cannot pass in the opposite direction unless there is a divided median or some other physical barrier.

Children need to be aware that not all drivers will obey the rules of the road when a bus is loading or unloading passengers. They should avoid the danger zone whenever possible and only enter it when given permission by the bus driver or another adult in charge. And they still need to always look both ways before crossing the street.

Motorists and parents must always be aware of the danger zone. Children can act impulsively or forget the rules. Adults must use extra caution around bus stops to ensure the safety and wellbeing of children in the area.

Finally, bus drivers have a particular duty to ensure the safety of young passengers. A bus driver that isn’t paying attention may not see a child walk in front of the bus to cross the street, and the results could be tragic.

School Bus and Bus Stop Safety Tips for Motorists

As a driver, the last thing you want to do is strike a child that is waiting at a bus stop or getting on or off a school bus. But these accidents continue to happen, and negligent drivers are subject to both civil and criminal penalties when they do. Here are several school bus stop safety tips to help you avoid these terrible crashes:

  • Always be alert for children in the morning and afternoon, especially near residential areas and schools.
  • Pay extra attention to lower speed limits in school zones. Look out for school crossing guards and any signals to stop for children in the area.
  • When you see a school bus stopped with its lights flashing and stop arms extended, make sure you stop as required by law. Avoid resuming operation until you are sure that all children in the area are safe.
  • Only park or drive in authorized areas to drop off or pick up children at school.

School Bus Stop Safety Tips for Children

Parents can be proactive in keeping their children safe. If your child rides the school bus, consider these safety tips:

  • Always stand at least six feet away from the curb.
  • Never board a school bus until it is completely stopped.
  • Never walk behind a school bus.
  • Never walk in front of a school bus without first making eye contact with the driver.
  • Avoid playing around or roughhousing at the bus stop.

The Importance of Working with a Mississippi Car Accident Attorney

If your child was involved in an accident at the bus stop or hurt in a school bus crash, contact Mississippi Car Accident Attorney right away. We will work to help you protect your rights and find a Mississippi accident attorney to help you pursue the full and fair compensation you deserve. Contact us today.

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