Summer Driving - Staying Safe on the Highway This Summer

Summer Driving – Staying Safe on the Highway This Summer

Now that the kids are out of school, we’re officially in summer driving season. That
means that roadways in Mississippi and throughout the country will be filled with road
trippers, weekend vacationers, and traffic to and from popular summer events like
barbeques, weddings, beach days, and pool parties.

All of this road travel translates into a greater chance of vehicle accidents. While you
can certainly pursue a negligent driver for compensation if they cause an accident, it’s a
better option to avoid a crash altogether. If you plan to be on the road in the coming
months, here are some tips for staying safe on the highway this summer.

1. Never Text and Drive
Distracted driving is one of the leading causes of roadway accidents in the United
States. Yet many drivers still use their phones while traveling down the road. If you get
into an accident while texting, you could be held liable. Avoid any and all distractions
while behind the wheel of your vehicle.

2. Always Buckle Up
It’s a proven fact that seat belts save lives. In fact, wearing a seat belt can reduce the
risk of dying or getting seriously injured in a crash by up to 60 percent. To protect you
and your loved ones, one of the most effective things you can do is wear a seat belt.

3. Don’t Drink and Drive
Many people enjoy a few cocktails while celebrating or relaxing during the summer.
But, if you’re going to consume alcohol, drugs, or any medication that can cause
impairment, don’t get behind the wheel of a vehicle. Instead, arrange for a designated
driver or find a place to stay nearby.

4. Keep Your Vehicle Maintained
Well-maintained vehicles are less likely to suffer catastrophic parts failures or leave you
stranded on the side of the road. Make sure you regularly inspect and maintain your tires.                                                                          Also, have your vehicle regularly inspected and serviced with regards to your brakes, lights, and other systems.

5. Avoid Sun Glare Dangers
Sun glare can be a serious issue for drivers at any time of the year. This is a visual
sensation caused by uncontrolled and excessive brightness, which can lead to loss of
visibility. You can avoid sun glare hazards by wearing polarized glasses, keeping your
windshield and rearview mirror clean and facing any chips or cracks in your windshield.

6. Follow the Rules of the Road
Excessive speed is one of the top causes of motor vehicle accidents. Others include
failure to yield the right of way and not adhering to posted traffic stops. Make sure you
follow the rules of the road and give other drivers plenty of space to avoid a serious

7. Watch Out for Work Zones
Most highway repairs and upgrades are done in the summer months because the
weather is more cooperative. Because of this, you need to be ready to drive through
various construction zones. When you do, plan for some delays, give other drivers
plenty of space and follow the signage or directions carefully.

8. Communicate with Other Drivers
Communicating with other drivers on the road is an excellent way to avoid a crash. Be
vigilant about signaling before turning or switching lanes. Try to provide plenty of time
for vehicles behind you to stop as you approach red lights or stop signs. Being proactive
can help you avoid accidents.

9. Watch Out for the Weather
Technology makes it pretty simple to predict and plan around the weather. In
Mississippi, you might find that it’s sunny and clear when you start your day. But the
conditions can quickly deteriorate and make driving more hazardous. Either plan around
bad weather or adjust your driving to stay safe on the road.

10. Make Sure You’re Prepared

Whether you’re driving across town or across the country, make sure you’re prepared
before getting in your vehicle. Have all of your paperwork on hand, such as your
current registration, insurance card, and your valid driver’s license. Pre-plan your route
so that you don’t become distracted while lost. And consider putting together an
emergency supply kit for your vehicle so that you can tackle some common issues that
might arise on the road.

Working with a Qualified Mississippi Auto Accident Attorney

Even if you do everything right, auto accidents are still a major risk. If you or someone
you love has been injured in a crash, having the right car accident lawyer to pursue just
compensation and advocate for your interests is vital.

At Mississippi Car Accident Attorney, we are committed to delivering the most useful
and up-to-date information to vehicle accident victims so that they can make the most
informed choices about their future. To learn more about working with an experienced
car accident attorney in Mississippi, send us a message with more information about your case.

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